Beginners Guide to Google Analytics - Conversion Reports (Part 5)

Conversion Reports: This section of Google Analytics is all about completed actions. How many people registered for your email list? How many users made a purchase? These Questions are answered in this section

Lets look at the different reports available under this section

  • Goals: Goals are actions you want to track. This report gives granular info about user actions based on the goals you create. You can set both micro and macro goals to understand what activities contribute to larger actions.

Steps to Create a Goal in Google Analytics.

First, create a Goal, then you can view the data based on:

    • The Goal URL.
    • Reverse Goal Path.
    • Funnel Visualization.
    • Goal Flow.

  • Ecommerce: The Ecommerce report can be sorted by:
    • Product.
    • Sales.
    • Transaction.
    • Times to Purchase.

You must add the ecommerce code snippet to your site in order to access this data.

  • Multi-Channel Funnels: With so many ways to communicate with your audience, it can be hard to tell what is actually working. This report digs into how different channels feed into your funnel.

First, add the ecommerce snippet to your site. Then you can track:

    • Assisted Conversions.
    • Top Conversion Paths.
    • Path Length.
  • Attribution: Attribution refers to the rules used to assign credit to points on the conversion path. The attribution model you choose determines how the credit for the conversion is split between the email and white paper. The Model Comparison Tool allows you to compare how different models assign credit.

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If you wish to certify in Google Analytics, below is the link where you can apply for free certification provided by Google.
